Friday 31 July 2015

Caught in the Light

Caught in the Light

1/60 sec at f/8 ISO 400
Focal Length 62mm (DX)
Nikon D80


Fell Off the Back of a Lorry

1/320 sec at f.8
ISO 400
Focal Length 62cm (DX)
Nikon D80


Alternative Route

Bank of Trees

Often times when you are presented with an alternative route, it's because of roadworks or an accident but when you can choose an alternative route? Now, that's a different thing.

When travelling back from Frome, rather than taking the dual carriageway, I can cut through the Longleat Estate, well part of it anyway. (I don't actually go driving across the front lawn of Lord Bath's front garden as it were). There is a road through the woods, a green haven, ever-changing; the colour, the light, the weather...

On this occasion, it had just finished raining, it was dull, the light was fading and I grabbed some grainy images which although not perfect, capture the feeling of that tranquil alternative route.

Fern Forest
Peering In
Defender's Back

ISO 1600
Nikon D80


Thursday 30 July 2015

A Walk in the Woods

Silver Birch B+W

Silver Birch (Betula Pendula) provides spectacular spindles of white bark that peels like paper, gnarled with dark crevices. They always provides a photographic opportunity, evoking one of my favourite series of photographs by Ansel Adams; Aspens. Whilst both trees may exhibit a similarity, they actually belong to different families. The Silver Birch belongs to Birch family whereas the Aspen belongs to the Willow family.

This is a subject I will return to.

1.0 sec at f/8.0
ISO 1250
Focal Length 18mm (DX)
Nikon D80


The First Post is Always the Hardest

Painted Lady

The first post is always the hardest, so I'll start with a picture of a butterfly.

1/4000 sec at f/5.6
ISO 400
Focal Length 135mm (DX)
Nikon D80